Sabbath School Lessons

2024 – 1 Half – The Acts of the Apostles

2023 – 2nd Half – Parables of Jesus Christ
2023 – 1 & 2 quarter – The Spirit vs the Flesh | The Antediluvian World and Modern Health

2022 – 3 & 4 quarter – Help from the Sanctuary
2022 – 1 & 2 quarter – Jesus in Prophecy and Symbol

2021 – 3 & 4 quarter – As the Apple of His Eye
2021 – 1 & 2 quarter – Heavenly Messages in the Book of Daniel

2020 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Daughters of Sarah and the Events of the Last Days
2020 – 1 & 2 quarter – Conflict and Victory

2019 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Law and the Gospel
2019 – 1 & 2 quarter – Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

2018 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Fight of Faith & “Come and Follow Me”
2018 – 1 & 2 quarter – Experiences under Kings and Statesmen

2017 – 3 & 4 quarter – Life, Work, and Teachings of Jesus, Part 5 & From Resurrection to Return in Glory
2017 – 1 & 2 quarter – Life, Work, and Teachings of Jesus, Part 4 & Receiving Jesus’ Message

2016 – 3 & 4 quarter – God’s People in the Last Days
2016 – 1 & 2 quarter – Keep the Truth Faithfully, Part 3

2015 – 3 & 4 quarter – Keep the Truth Faithfully, Parts 1 and 2
2015 – 1 & 2 quarter – Receiving the Holy Spirit

2014 – 4 quarter – Experiences of Faith
2014 – 3 quarter – Revival and Reformation
2014 – 1 & 2 quarter – Revelation of the Great Final Scenes

2013 – 3 & 4 quarter – Life, Work, and Teachings of Jesus, Part 3 & Receiving Jesus’ Message
2013 – 1 & 2 quarter – Knowing Jesus Better

2012 – 1 & 2 quarter – The Beatitudes & God’s Instruments and Established Teachings

2011 – 3 & 4 quarter – Life, Work, and Teachings of Jesus, Part 2
2011 – 1 & 2 quarter – Heavenly Messages in the Book of Daniel

2010 – 3 & 4 quarter – The End Is Approaching & Christ, The Pattern of Our Character
2010 – 1 & 2 quarter – Prepare to Meet Thy God & Christ’s Second Coming Is Very Near

2009 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Lord Our Righteousness
2009 – 1 & 2 quarter – The Life, Work, and Teachings Of Jesus

2008 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Gospel of Peace & Children of Light
2008 – 1 & 2 quarter – Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews

2007 – 3 & 4 quarter – Reflecting Jesus & The Life of the Apostle Paul
2007 – 1 & 2 quarter – Development of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Doctrines

2006 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Epistle to the Romans
2006 – 1 & 2 quarter – The Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man

2005 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Plan of Salvation and the Church & Our Wholehearted Service for the Lord
2005 – 1 & 2 quarter – Israel in Canaan & Looking unto Jesus

2004 – 3 & 4 quarter – Our Health, a Valuable Gift & Christian Service
2004 – 1 & 2 quarter – Steps to Christ & Significant Steps in the Spiritual Life

2003 – 3 & 4 quarter – Stewards of God’s Treasure & Biblical Education
2003 – 1 & 2 quarter – One Soul–The Search & One Soul in Service

2002 – 4 quarter – The Battle of Faith
2002 – 3 quarter – God’s Primary Objectives
2002 – 2 quarter – Nehemiah
2002 – 1 quarter – Ezra

2001 – 3 & 4 quarter – The Two Great Deceptions & God’s Authority in the Universe