Watch this page for events to be held at the American Union headquarters in Norman Park, Georgia, and elsewhere.

Take time to browse through this site. You will find important background articles concerning the church and free downloads of publications that you can study and share with others. Also appearing are the Sabbath School Lessons and the American Union Newsletter in English and Spanish. The September issue is online in both English and Spanish.

The Sabbath School Lessons for the Second Half 2024 in English, Spanish, and French appear on the Sabbath School Lessons page under the Publications tab. Each week the Sabbath School Lesson for the coming Sabbath appears there as well.

There is a new video every week of the Sabbath School Lesson for the upcoming Sabbath that often has guest presenters from different countries around the world.

The online Store is available for you to purchase publications for yourself and others, some of which have quantity discounts available. There are also ebooks.

See the Publications catalog for Summer/Fall 2024. Information for ordering from it is provided on page 2.

God guide and bless you!



Tuesday, October 22, to Sunday, October 27, 2024
Norman Park, Georgia

Friday, December 20,
to Monday, December 23, 2024
Norman Park, Georgia


Tuesday, December 24,
to Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Norman Park, Georgia

The Great Simplifier

“The word of God is a great simplifier of life’s complicated pursuits. To every earnest seeker it imparts a divine wisdom. We should never forget that we have been redeemed by suffering. It is the precious blood of Christ that makes atonement for us. By toil and sacrifice and peril, by losses of worldly goods, and in agony of soul the gospel has been borne to the world. God calls young men in the vigor and strength of their youth to share with Him self-denial, sacrifice, and suffering. If they accept the call, He will make them His instruments to save souls for whom He died. But He would have them count the cost and enter upon their work with a full knowledge of the conditions upon which they serve a crucified Redeemer.” —Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 86.

“The truth must sanctify the whole man—his mind, his thoughts, his heart, his strength. His vital powers will not be consumed upon his own lustful practices. These must be overcome, or they will overcome him.” —Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 909.